Monday, November 19, 2012

4 Creative Divas crafts, hobbies, hairstyles, and more.: Memories

All morning I have been thinking of my sweet little grandmas. ?Both of my grandmas passed on quite a while ago.
They were both strikingly different. ?One lived up town and the other lived on a farm. ?I would like to share some stories about them, in a blog session called memories, that are so inspiring and shows how amazing they were. ?Today, I would like to tell you about my "Town Grandma". ? As I remember this grandma, she was a old grandma, she passed on just before my 6th birthday. ?But it is amazing how much I remember about her. ?Maybe it was?because?she was truly me best friend. ?Katie was born on August ?24, 1879, ?so when I was 6 she was in her 70's that is how I remember her. ? This is a story about her in the early 1900's.

?This is a picture of my grandma and her 5 sisters. ?My grandma is on the top row on the right.

The year was 1913, Katie Nye Hodgkinson was a young mother of ?two little boys. ?She and her husband was a happy family living in a small little cabin just off the main road of 500 East. ? One day her?husband?Albert?receives a letter from church headquarters which ask if he would serve a ?two year full-time mission in the eastern states of?Kentucky?and Tennessee. ??Back in those days they served their missions without purse or script. This?meant?that they went without money and very little?previsions,??mainly the cloths on their back. ?While my Grandfather was gone serving his mission. My Grandma lived with her two little boy in her cabin alone. ?She was a resourceful woman during that time. ?She would take in laundry and?ironing?to provide for her little family. ?One evening she was in her cabin getting the boys ready for bed. ?She heard a noise coming from outside a?screeching?yelling, howling sound. She goes to the front door, opens it, in the darkness she see an object with a long tail running down the road. ?She couldn't tell exactly what it was, but she was very frightened and protective of her two little boys. ? The next morning she heard from her?neighbor, Mr. Sessions, that when he came home the night before, he witnessed a mountain lion around his house. ?What a wonderful example of?strength??and courage, ?my grandma (whom I called Gram) had the ability to endure hardship, served others with faith and love, and?endured?to the end with dignity. I will tell you more in another?blog?session later.

This is a memory box that my daughter made for a 4-H project. ? She took a preshaped box that you get from the craft store. ?She tore up small pieces of scrapbook paper and Modge-Podged them to the box. ?She also Modge-Podged the picture. ?(It was a picture I?scanned?on to my computer and printed ) Then she ?embellished it with lace. ?She got a purple ribbon at our local county fair and a blue ribbon from the state fair.


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