Tuesday, October 2, 2012

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Are you having a heck of a time generating targeted traffic to your website? Do you feel frustrated by the lack of passive, steady traffic you receive? You are likely ignoring SEO. SEO, or search engine optimization, is a marketing strategy based on tailoring your content to search engines. This means that your blog posts, articles and videos speak beautiful music to search engines like google when your SEO game is tight. Be patient. It takes time to drive traffic to your websites using SEO. If you try to rush things, using black-hat, low energy techniques, google will penalize you. You pop up on Page 45 of a web search for your targeted keywords instead of Page 1, meaning no passive traffic and a ton of time wasted in your internet marketing campaign.

Google and other search engines have seen many tricks so these search engines put specific protocols in place to ensure the integrity of site. This means that common sense rules. Write content that is tailored to a specific audience by using keywords. Craft your content for a human audience. Techniques like keyword stuffing look and sound awkward, and using such approaches results in a smack down from Google. Write an article with the intent to target a specific audience of people who craves a solution to their problem, or inspiration. Stick with this approach persistently to drive steady, passive traffic to your website through search engines.

Stick to the fundamentals of prosper SEO. Target each blog post you write and google views your blog address as an authority site within a specific niche. Creating keyword-rich, content-rich posts day after day communicates a loud and clear message to google: you deserve higher ranking. So your site slowly climbs up the Big G, ranking higher each day due to your persistent, disciplined approach.

Successful SEO is focused on details. You need to drill down, placing keywords in each post without overdoing it, writing problem-solving posts, and doing so on a daily basis to send a specific message to search engines that your site deserves to be ranked higher each day.


Before all else you must write helpful content. Your keywords can be sensational. Your title, url and blog might be properly optimized. All else might be in place but if your content is poor you rank poorly in search engines. Write your post for people not search engines. Imagine yourself having a discussion with an individual from your niche. How would you speak? This conversational tone is the approach to adopt as you write blog posts. You do not speak to someone while dropping keywords into each sentence. This makes you sound like a buffoon. So why would you pen a post in this manner? Write how you would speak. Converse.

Solve problems. Inspire, educate, entertain. Help people with each blog post. Your content must sound like it was created by a human being for individuals to click on your link, and you need these clicks to perform better in search engines.

Targeted Approach

After writing a helpful post you need to add some details. Google needs to discern the topic of this post. Enter keywords. Place a niche-specific keyword in your title, url and throughout your blog post. As Google changes their keyword requirements persistently you need to keep well-informed and up to date with the proper keyword frequency. Posting your selected keyword once in the first paragraph, once in the last paragraph and once to twice in your article body speaks a loud and clear message to search engines that your topic is based on this keyword. Avoid keyword-stuffing, meaning including your keyword too frequently within an article. As a rule of thumb, if when you read the article out loud it sounds awkward or silly due to the frequency of your keywords, you went overboard. Write as if you were speaking. You would never mention a keyword or topic in each sentence, or in every other sentence.


Generate backlinks from high ranking sites to improve your positioning in search engines. Post helpful, insightful comments on authority sites with your niche. Make sure the blog is within the same sector as your blog: google likes links to be generated from a similar neighborhood. Also focus on the quality of the blog. Is the blog an authority blog within your niche? If so craft a helpful comment, post to the blog ? after reading the entire article ? and link up to your latest blog post. As individuals read your helpful comment and click on your link expect to gradually move up search engines as your link juice improves.

Performing Better in Search Engines ? Summary

Create helpful, usable content with each post you write. Write in a conversational tone. Read posts out loud to yourself to identify any awkward wording or keyword placement. Optimize your posts with niche-specific keywords. Drill down. Get into the details. Place keywords in the appropriate places to speak a loud and clear message to search engines.

Take the time to craft helpful, usable comments on authority blogs within your niche. As individuals read your comments and click through to your blog, you receive serious link juice and you rank higher in search engines.

Be patient. Using SEO to rank higher in search engines takes time. Google has seen many low energy approaches of people who have tried to game the system and has positioned many safeguards in place. Create helpful content, target the content to a specific audience with keywords and receive high quality backlinks from authority blogs to perform better in search engines and grow your blog readership.

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Source: http://www.howtoee.com/the-no-spam-approach-of-how-to-perform-better-in-search-engines/

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